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    The current position: Organic Chemistry
Lu Zhong-Lin

Published Date: 2016-02-28

Lu Zhong-Lin

Lu Zhong-Lin 中文

Professor and Supervisor for Ph.D. candidates, Ph. D. (Nanjing University, China ), Postdoctoral Fellow (Germany, Switserland, Canada)

Postal address: College of Chemistry, Beijing Normal University, Xinjiekouwaidajie 19, Beijing, 100875, China
Phone: +86-10-5880 18004; Fax: +86-10-5880 1804
E-mail: luzl@bnu.edu.cn
Group homepage: http://luzl.chem.bnu.edu.cn/


Organic Chemistry (Bilingual); Organic Chemistry Experiments; Life Chemistry Experiments and Their Principle; Natural Product Chemistry.


Research Interests

Bio-organic Chemistry; Organometallic Chemistry; Bio-mimic Catalysis

Representative papers

  1.  Li, Z. F.; Guo, Z. F.; Yan, H.; Lu, Z. L.*; Wu, D. Y.* Syntheses of [12]aneN3-oligopeptide conjugates as effective DNA condensation agents.    Bioorg. Med. Chem.  2012, 20, 2897-2904.
  2.  Yan, H.; Li, Z. F.; Guo, Z. F.; Lu, Z. L.*, Wang F., Wu L. Z.* Effective and reversible DNA condensation induced by bifunctional molecules containing macrocyclic polyamines and naphthyl moieties, Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2012, 20, 801-808.
  3.  Guo, Z. F.; Yan, H.; Li, Z. F.; Lu, Z. L.* Synthesis of mono- and di-[12]aneN3 ligands and study on the catalytic cleavage of RNA model 2-hydroxypropyl p-nitrophenyl phosphate with their metal complexes. Org. Biomol. Chem. 2011, 9, 6788-6796.
  4.  Lu,Z. L.; Liu, T.; Neverov, A. A.; Brown, R. S.; Rapid three-step cleavage of RNA and DNA model systems promoted by a dinuclear Cu(II)-complex in Methanol. Energetic origins of the catalytic efficacy,  J. Am. Chem., Soc., 2007, 129, 11642-11652.
  5.  Neverov, A. A.; Lu, Z. L.; Maxwell, C. I.; Mohamed, M. F.; White, C. J.; Tsang, J. S. W.; Brown, R. S.; Combination of a Dinuclear Zn2+ Complex and a Medium Effect Exerts a 1012-Fold Rate Enhancement of Cleavage of an RNA and DNA Model System. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128,  16398-16405.
  6.  Lu, Z. L.; Lindner Ekkehard; Mayer Hermann A. Applications of Sol-Gel Processed Interphase Catalysts. Chem. Rev. 2002, 102, 3543-3578.


Copyright : College of Chemistry, Beijing Normal University. Xinjiekouwaidajie 19, Beijing, 100875, China