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学术报告: Harvard Medical School, Chongzhao Ran 教授,Probe development for systemic molecular imaging of Alzheimer’s disease

发布时间: 2016-09-01  浏览次数:

报告题目:Probe development for systemic molecular imaging of Alzheimer’s disease

报告人:Chongzhao Ran 教授 (Assistant Professor in Radiology,Harvard Medical School)




Chongzhao Ran, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor in Radiology, MGH/Harvard Medical School. He received Master Degree in Medicinal Chemistry from China Pharmaceutical University, and Ph.D. in Medicinal Chemistry from Shanghai Institute of Pharmaceutical Industry, China. He did his postdoctoral training at University of Chicago and Harvard Medical School. Dr. Ran’s research focuses on molecular imaging probe and imaging technology development. Recently, his research group has been successfully designed and synthesized smart fluorescent near infrared imaging probes for amyloid beta of Alzheimer’s disease, and brown adipose tissue. These probes could be useful tools for monitoring the efficacy of drugs for Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes and obesity in preclinical studies.

a. Ran C, Xu X, Raymond SB, Ferrara BJ, Neal K, Bacskai BJ, Medarova Z, Moore A, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 2009,131(42):15257-61. 
b. Zhang X, Tian Y, Li Z, Tian X, Sun H, Liu H, Moore A, Ran C.*, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 2013, 135(44):16397-409. 
c. Zhang X, Tian Y, Yuan P, Li Y., Yaseen MA, Grutzendler J, Moore A, Ran C.*, Chem. Commun., 2014, 50(78):11550-3. 
d. Zhang X, Tian Y, Zhang C, Tian X, Ross AW, Moir RD, Sun H, Tanzi RE, Moore A, and Ran C*, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2015, 112(31):9734-9.

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