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学术报告:Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies,Professor Johannes Gierschner

发布时间: 2017-04-16  浏览次数:

学术报告: From Molecules to Polymers and from Molecules to Crystals Understanding Materials for Optoelectronics
报告人: Professor   Johannes Gierschner
       Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies, IMDEA Nanoscience, Madrid, Spain
Abstract:In a short time, organic (opto)electronics have involved from a curios academic discipline to a real market. Targeted design of such materials requires nevertheless a systematic understanding of structure-property relationships; this however can only be achieved if all intra- and intermolecular parameters can be controlled. We are therefore systematically investigating systems with control at all levels, exploring both polymers and small molecule crystals by integrating optical spectroscopy and quantum chemistry to unveil features and fates of molecular excitons. Our studies give detailed insight in the formation of localized and charge transfer states in co-polymers and co-crystals, and in the conditions for effective & color-tuned spontaneous and stimulated light emission, stressing the cooperative effect of molecular properties, intermolecular arrangement and morphology. This knowledge forms a unique basis to create novel third generation functional materials for organic (opto)electronic applications by targeted design.
Biography:  Professor Johannes Gierschner received his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry in Tu?bingen in 2000. After stays in Tu?bingen, in Mons, and at Georgia Tech, Atlanta, he joined IMDEA Nanoscience in 2008 as a Research Professor (Ramo?n y Cajal fellow 2008-13). In 2014 he habilitated at the University of Tu?bingen and has held an adjunct professor position there since then. He held visiting researcher positions in Mons and Valencia, and holds one at Seoul National University since 2009. His more than 100 papers (4500 cites, h = 35) integrate optical spectroscopy and computational chemistry to elucidate structure-property relationships in conjugated organic materials.

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