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学术报告: 斯坦福-程震教授, Molecular Imaging with Light in the Era of Precision Medicine

发布时间: 2017-09-10  浏览次数:

“ Molecular Imaging with Light in the Era of Precision Medicine ”学术报告,

斯坦福大学 医学院放射科、分子影像中心、克莱瑞—斯坦福癌症早期检测研究中心、癌症中心及BioX中心副教授,2015年度“ 长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授。
Dr. Zhen Cheng is Associate Professor of Radiology and a member of the Molecular Imaging Program at Stanford (MIPS), BioX program, Canary Center at Stanford for Cancer Early Detection, and Stanford Cancer Center. He currently leads the Cancer Molecular Imaging Chemistry Laboratory (CMICL) of the MIPS where he is developing novel molecular probes, non-invasive imaging techniques and bionanotechnology for the early detection and treatment of cancer. Dr. Cheng earned his PhD in Chemistry from University of Missouri-Columbia in 2001 and completed his post-doc training at Harvard Medical School in 2003. Dr. Cheng has published over 200 peer-reviewed articles. He has served as a reviewer for several funding agencies including NIH, DOD, DOE, etc. and also as an active reviewer for over 100 research journals.

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