新葡亰8883ent - Apple App Store
学术报告: 汕头大学,李明德教授,Ultrafast spectroscopic study on the electronic structure and reactivity of phenyloxenium ion

发布时间: 2017-10-20  浏览次数:

报告题目:Ultrafast spectroscopic study on the electronic structure and reactivity of phenyloxenium ion

时  间: 2017年10月22日(周日)下午 15:00  

地  点: 化学楼 314 会议室



李明德教授,于2001年获得兰州大学材料化学学士学位;2007年获得厦门大学化学硕士学位(导师:田中群),2012年获得香港大学物理化学博士学位(导师:David Lee Phillips);随后先后在美国加州大学伯克利分校(导师:Richard A Mathies)和香港大学(导师:David Lee Phillips)从事博士后和研究助理教授工作;2016年8月回国,任汕头大学化学系和广东省有序结构材料的制备与应用重点实验室教授。


Research interest:

● Development and application of ultrafast laser spectroscopies (femtosecond transient absorption, femtosecond time-resolved
fluorescence and time-resolved resonance Raman spectroscopy).
● Characterization and Investigation of electronic structure and chemical reactivity of excited states and short-lived
transient intermediates.
● Photochromic materials and phototrigger (photocaged)
● Photophysics and photochemistry of photosensitive drug
● Mechanism study on photocatalysis and photodegradation of
Nanostructured materials.


● Energy and electron transfer of dye sensitized solar cell.





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