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学术报告:University of California,Prof. Michael J. Sailor,Sensing, Imaging, and Drug Delivery with Nanostructured Silicon

发布时间: 2019-03-13  浏览次数:

题目:Sensing, Imaging, and Drug Delivery with Nanostructured Silicon

报告人:Prof. Michael J. Sailor

University of California, San Diego, USA






Michael .J. Sailor教授是加州大学圣地亚哥分校的杰出教授,是化学、电化学、纳米材料科学尤其是多孔硅系统方向的专家。ACS Sensors 的副主编;也是Advanced Materials, ACS Sensor, ACS Nano, Applied Physics Letters, Nanoscale Horizons, Advanced Healthcare Materials等杂志的编辑和顾问委员。社会工作:德克萨斯A&M首席讲师;法国蒙彼利埃CNRS教授;美国促进协会会员;美国国家发明学会会员;皇家化学学会会。Michael J. Sailor教授已发表233篇学术论文,引用次数超过27000次。


1. 基于多孔硅材料的药物传递

2. 化学、生物化学传感器的设计制备

3. 基于多孔硅的光致发光设计体内监测成像技术


1. Heinrich, J.L., Curtis, C.L., Credo, G.M., Kavanagh, K.L., and Sailor, M.J., "Luminescent colloidal Si suspensions from porous Si." Science, 1992. 255: p. 66-8. First report of micro-and nano-particles prepared from porous Si. The ultrasound method described here is still the leading means to prepare particles of electrochemically etched porous Si.

2. Lin, V.S.-Y., Motesharei, K., Dancil, K.S., Sailor, M.J., and Ghadiri, M.R., "A Porous Silicon-Based Optical Interferometric Biosensor." Science, 1997. 278(5339): p. 840-3. First porous Si biosensor paper. Showed the interference spectrum from a porous Si film can be used as a label-free biosensor. Licensed to Silicon Kinetics, inc., who has been marketing a porous Si-based biosensor since May, 2008.

3. Li, Y.Y., Cunin, F., Link, J.R., Gao, T., Betts, R.E., Reiver, S.H., Chin, V., Bhatia, S.N., and Sailor, M.J., "Polymer Replicas of Photonic Porous Silicon For Sensing and Drug Delivery Applications." Science, 2003. 299 (5615), 2045-2047. First demonstration of the use of porous Si as a template to generate nanostructured polymers. Technology licensed to Spinnaker Biosciences, inc.

4. Park, J.-H.; Gu, L.; Maltzahn, G. v.; Ruoslahti, E.; Bhatia, S. N.; Sailor, M. J., “Biodegradable luminescent porous silicon nanoparticles for in vivo applications,” Nature Mater. 2009, 8, 331-336. First in-vivo use of intrinsically luminescent Si nanoparticles. Shows that 150 nm-scale porous Si nanoparticles overcome many of the disadvantages of smaller (< 6 nm) inorganic nanocrystals (CdSe, for example). This work is important for its low in vivo toxicity and its demonstration of in vivo imaging with an intrinsically luminescent Si nanocrystal. In 2012, it was selected by the editors of Nature Materials as one of the "landmark articles" published in the journal over the past ten years.

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