发布时间: 2017-04-19 浏览次数:
实验师,工学博士(青岛科技大学) 通讯地址:北京市新街口外大街19号新葡亰8883ent
电话:010 58802962-407
电子邮箱: liyufeng@bnu.edu.cn
Yufeng Li, Fangfang Jian, An inkjet-printed TTF–TCNQ nanoweb as an effective modification layer for high mobility organic field-effect transistors. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2014, 2, 1413–1417.
Yufeng Li, Fangfang Jian, Molecular Structures of the Products of a Diphosphonate Ester Building Block with Lewis Bases. Molecules, 2015, 20, 14435-14450.
Li Yufeng, Crystal Structure and Fluorescence Characterization of Large π-Conjugated biphenyl Derivative. Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 850-851, 49-52.