新葡亰8883ent - Apple App Store

发布时间: 2016-01-03  浏览次数:


蒋福宾 English



通信地址:北京市新街口外大街19号 新葡亰8883ent
电话:010 5880 2850;
电子邮箱: jfb@bnu.edu.cn








  1. Fubin Jiang, Liya Huang , Xiangguang Meng , Juan Du, Xiaoqi Yu, Yufen Zhao, Xiancheng Zeng*;Metallomicellar catalysis: Hydrolysis of phosphate monoester and phosphodiester by Cu(II), Zn(II) complexes of pyridyl ligands in CTAB micellar solution,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science , 2006,303:236–242.
  2. Fubin Jiang, Yanan Wang, Xinfang Hu, Na Shao, Na Na, Joris R. Delanghe, Jin Ouyang*, Carbon nanotubes-assisted polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for enhanced separation of human serum proteins and application in liverish diagnosis;Journal of separation science. 2010, 33, 3393-3399.
  3. Yongwei Song, Xinting Han, Xiaoli Guo, Qing Zeng, Fubin Jiang*, Metallovesicular catalytic hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl picolinate catalyzed by zinc(II) complexes of pyridyl ligands in vesicular solution; Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem Eng. Aspects, 2011,392,110-115.
  4. Yanan Wang, Jing Zhang, Lingyun Huang, Dacheng He, Lin Ma, Jin Ouyang*, Fubin Jiang*; Novel Application of Ag Nanoclusters in Fluorescent Imaging of Human Serum Proteins after Native Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis; Chemistry - A European Journal; 2012,18,1432-1437.

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