发布时间: 2015-12-29 浏览次数:
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- Wanjian Ding, Weihai Fang, Zhifang Chai, Dongqi Wang, Trivalent uranium complex as a catalyst to promote the functionalization of carbon dioxide and carbon disulfide: a computational mechanistic study, in revision.
- Yan-Fang Liu, Rong-Zhen Liao, Wan-Jian Ding, Jian-Guo Yu, Ruo-Zhuang Liu, Theoretical investigation of the first-shell mechanism of acetylene hydration catalyzed by a biomimetic tungsten complex, J. Biol. Inorg. Chem., 2011, 16, 745 -752.
- Wan-Jian Ding, Wei-Hai Fang, Ruo-Zhuang Liu, and De-Cai Fang, Selectivity of the a and b bond fissions for bromoacetyl chloride upon n→p* excitation: A combined complete-active-space self-consistent field and multi-reference configuration interaction study, J. Chem. Phys. 2002, 117, 8745-8753.